The Average Age Most Kids Start Walking

The Average Age Most Kids Start Walking

One aspect of life is that you can’t compete with anyone. Everyone has their journey leading in a different direction than yours. With kids, you need to look at it the same way when you’re raising your children – don’t compare. For example, each child will walk in their own time when it comes to walking. So speaking, teething, among others too, will happen differently for each child. There’s an average age for walking, though, that most kids will start walking. This isn’t assured for every child as others will come to their own later or earlier.

What is the Average Age for Kids to Start Walking?

Many kids have different growth stages, and walking isn’t any different. You only need to give your baby their own space for growth. Ideally, though, babies should begin to walk from 12 months – this is for many babies but isn’t the set standard. You don’t need to be worried if your baby starts walking at a later age. Some babies will start to walk at nine months, while others will take longer. In some cases, babies will begin to walk at 18 months. There’s no cause for alarm regardless of how quick or slow your baby takes to walk. Even if they start walking early, that doesn’t mean they will have the balance. Walking in babies doesn’t mean they can hold their own and even run. Babies will start to move and balance with items around or walls when they’re starting. Your baby may even take longer to gain balance and start full speed running when it comes to running. You need to watch out for signs to find out if your baby will walk soon. As the baby starts walking, the baby will start running, so make sure you have some comfortable shoes and clothes to grow into. Speaking of growth, you’re going to want to document this extremely fast moving time in your life, so consider investing in a cute little growth chart like the ones they have over at  CMC Gold. A walking baby is a growing baby, so be sure you are capturing these moments for both you and your baby to enjoy.

Signs the Baby is About Walking

Before your baby makes the first steps, some signs show you they are about to walk. You need to watch out for the signs if you don’t want to miss your baby’s first steps. The signs include

  • Pulling to stand – the first and obvious sign that the baby is about to walk soon is when they start pulling to stand. You need to be watchful of such a baby as they can use anything in their vicinity to remove to stand.
  • Standing without support – when the baby is learning to stand, they need support to stand. It then gets to a point where they don’t need the support anymore and stand on their own. They don’t need balance when it comes to the point; they are about to walk.

At this point, you need to prepare as they’ll walk at any given moment.

  • Cruising and holding to things – some kids will take their time when it comes to walking. But when they start cruising, they are about to start walking. This point is where the kid is most vulnerable as they’ll fall so often.

When Do Kids Start to Walk

For kids, the exact time when they walk isn’t known. Each kid has a different strength – others take longer than others. However, the average age when kids start to walk is around 12 months.