How Do I Do a Florida Sex Offender Search?

How Do I Do a Florida Sex Offender Search?

Getting information about sex offenders is important for ensuring that you know who in your community may be looking to do harm to you or your family. If you live in Florida, that would mean that you need to do a Florida sex offender search. Luckily enough for all Florida residents, finding this information is exceedingly simple if you are even internet-savvy with a basic understanding of how to do internet searches. There’s a lot of information available about sex offenders online to ensure that the public can keep themselves from potential threats, and if you don’t know where to find it don’t worry. Today we’re going to help you by providing you with a road map to the Florida sex offender registry. 

Where did the Florida Sex Offender Registry come from? 

There are sex offender registries all over the country. Unfortunately, the road that led to the creation of these registries is paved in tragedy. In Florida, that tragedy was the murder of Jessica Lunsford. She was a young Florida girl that was sexually abused then murdered by a previously convicted sex offender. 

Florida officials wanted to avoid these tragedies as much as possible, so in 2005 they passed Jessica’s Law. This law created the Florida Sex Offender registry which made it easier for the public and law enforcement alike to keep an eye on sex offenders in their communities. It also introduced strict registration guidelines that offenders have to follow or face the consequences, which are considered a felony and can get the offenders parole or probation revoked. 

How to Find Sex Offender Information in Florida

The easiest way by far to locate this information is by going through the Florida Sex Offender Registry. It’s operated by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and updated whenever new information is available. Most people will just search for the Florida sex offender registry using their search engine of choice. That’s probably the simplest way to find the registry, the official website should appear at the top of the search results.

Once on the website you just have to search by your preferred method. You can search by name, county, city, or zip code. Once you enter the required information and hit enter the website will pull up a list of sex offenders that meet your parameters. There’s basic information like name, photograph, and if the offender is a predator. You can click on the view flyer link and it will pull up all of the information that is available about the offender, including their address.

There is another slightly more convoluted way to find the Florida sex offender registry, as well as finding information about Florida sex offenders. That is to use the National sex offender registry. The national registry collects information from all over and puts it in one place, so you can search in Florida or nationwide. The national registry also can link you directly to any sex offender registry in the country, including Florida. That makes the national registry great for those that need to look into sex offender information for a loved one that lives out of state.

Find Sex Offender Information Quickly

Finding information about sex offenders in your community shouldn’t be a difficult task. Fortunately, because it’s considered a matter of public safety the registry is very easy to find. The information provided by the registries saves lives, as well as saves people from incredibly traumatic incidents. Even the tragedies that are brought by sex offenders that don’t result in any physical injury can take years of therapy with a talented therapist to fix the damage caused, and in some cases, all that can be done by the victim is to learn coping mechanisms so they can learn to be okay. Sexual predators cause a lot of damage to their victims in more ways than one, and it’s fortunate that we have access to sex offender registries so as many people as possible can avoid such a tragic fate. 

***Registered Offenders List is a free online resource that strives to offer helpful content and resources to its visitors regarding registered sex offenders that live near you.