Birth Announcement Card Ideas You’ll Love

Welcoming your newborn baby into the world is an experience like no other. There’s nothing more exciting and satisfying than finally seeing the little person you’ve been anticipating so much! Birth announcements are an important way to tell family and friends that your new bundle of joy has arrived, and if you want them to be memorable, it’s best to choose unique birth announcement card ideas that stand out in the crowd. Here are some fun ones that will really make an impression on your loved ones.
Customize With Your Own Details
The excitement of your little one’s arrival is a time for celebration, and so it only makes sense that you do what you can to commemorate it. The most obvious (and arguably favorite) way of doing so is through birth announcements.
These birth announcement cards are a way for family and friends to learn about your baby’s arrival, as well as an opportunity for you to share some photos of your bundle of joy. Whether you prefer a simple postcard or an extravagant fold-out card, there are plenty of options out there. We rounded up our five favorites, which range from rustic to regal in design, to help make your choice a little easier.
If these don’t suit your fancy, be sure to check out Pinterest; there are tons of amazing options available online! Just keep in mind: though any invite will be much appreciated by those closest to you, you may want to add additional information depending on how far away they live—like birthweight, size, and parents’ names—so they know whom they’re celebrating with. And once everything has been mailed off? Invite yourself over for dinner! It’s tradition when babies are born.
Personalize With Images And Text
There are so many great ways to incorporate pictures and text in birth announcement cards. One of our favorite card ideas is something we like to call the rollover. On one side of your card, you might take a picture of yourself, your partner, and your baby—and then a few weeks later flip over that side to reveal an image of a baby with mom and dad.
It really helps complete that special moment when family members receive a first birthday invitation with their bundle of joy on it; they get to see how much he or she has grown! Another fun idea is incorporating text into what you send out. We love birth announcements with both mommy and daddy’s names printed on them in the script, for example—it makes them extra-special to hand out.
The options really are endless and all kinds of cute—we encourage you to be creative! Even if you don’t make your own birth announcement cards from scratch, there are plenty of online companies that will create custom ones for you.
And if all else fails? A standard congratulations banner usually works pretty well too. Enjoy choosing just the right words to welcome your new addition into the world. Save time by purchasing birth announcements in bulk: Birth announcements aren’t one size fits all: some moms have multiple kids, while others might not have any more children after their first kid comes along.
That means you could be constantly making (or reordering) customized cards for each of these babies as they come along—or you could save time by purchasing birth announcements in bulk. Oftentimes, stores will offer specials on different quantities of certain styles, which can help ensure that everyone gets a similar card but without having to actually print them off individually every time another child is born.
Pick A Card Design You Love
Remember, you can always repurpose a card later on! For example, you could change out just a few details (names, birth date) and use it as a save-the-date announcement instead. Make sure to design your announcement around both parents’ personal styles so that it reflects your family as a whole.
Are both of you big into sports? The playoff that by including fun facts about your baby’s life so far. Are mom and dad music fans? Include some of your favorite songs or even how much time you spend listening to them together as a family! Keep it light and simple—no more than four lines at most—and remember to keep it short and sweet.
This is supposed to be an exciting moment for friends and family, not an opportunity for endless explanation. Cards are usually letter-sized paper but there are also rectangular cards available online. It’s helpful if your cards match with any wedding invitations you may have designed for your little one’s arrival; otherwise, choose designs that match with other items in your household such as photo albums or personalized stationery sets.
Choose colors and patterns that reflect your personalities and tastes—just remember to keep it tasteful and simple! Many sites offer free digital downloads (or even printable templates) of birth announcements so you can customize however you like.
Look at a few different styles and try creating a few different versions before selecting which one looks best. If creating a card is too much for you right now, consider hiring someone to design it for you so that all of your focus can be on celebrating with family and friends—and caring for your baby.