5 Ways to Make Your Baby’s First Christmas Special

The holidays are here and if you’re like most parents, the timing couldn’t be more perfect. Between family gatherings, gift exchanges, and parties, there are plenty of opportunities to bond with your baby over some holiday fun. That said, navigating these new experiences can be challenging when you’re trying to be safe and festive at the same time, especially when it comes to your little one’s first Christmas. To help you out this holiday season (and beyond), here are five tips for making your baby’s first Christmas special in every way!
Decorate your home
Bright lights, homemade garlands, and decorated trees all help bring holiday cheer into your home. You can also take baby’s first steps into decorating by making cute baby ornaments for your tree. This DIY is simple enough that even young children can join in on the fun! While you’re at it, why not make ornaments for friends and family? After all, Baby’s first Christmas is a perfect time to share some holiday cheer.
Choose activities based on your baby’s personality
Babies develop personalities early on, so try to choose activities that match your baby’s. Active babies may enjoy watching a parade so try catching a local Christmas parade with your baby carrier to keep them nice and warm and close. Whatever activity you decide upon, make sure it has plenty of room for your little one to roam safely. Tugging at holiday decorations is never fun for anyone—make sure your baby can’t get tangled up! Also, consider ways they can interact with others at events—sitting on Santa’s lap might be too far for young babies, but they will likely enjoy looking at photos with Santa afterward.
Take your baby out into nature
Unwrapping presents and opening cards may make up most of your baby’s first holiday, but there are plenty of baby things to do that can also make those days memorable. Head out into nature for a walk with your little one—the sights, sounds, and smells of a park or even the city can be just as exciting as those holiday parties you’re skipping. This is also a great opportunity to teach your baby about environmental sustainability: Be sure they see you put all those boxes and wrapping paper in recycling bins! If we educate our children on how we take care of our environment, they grow up knowing how important it is and continue with it throughout their lives.
Create photo memories
Babies have a hard time understanding what’s going on during holiday festivities, but there are plenty of ways you can create special moments that they can look back on as their first Christmases. Baby books and family photo albums with matching family pajamas or a festive baby gown from Sandstone Avenue are a great way to document those memories, but it’s also fun for baby to take part in holiday activities. In addition to showing baby how holiday traditions work, you might even spark their interest in celebrations from now on. Before your baby is born, plan out a series of holiday-related activities for them so they have something new and exciting every day. If you get stuck, don’t forget about old favorites that you know babies will enjoy just as much as adults do such as caroling or visiting Santa.
Don’t do too much
If you’re a first-time parent, there are all sorts of things you could do during your baby’s first Christmas. Buy a small tree, get a special ornament, wrap presents, bake cookies—the list goes on and on. But while you want to make your child’s holiday memorable, don’t try too hard. With a new baby in tow, taking care of yourself is essential. Eat well, stay rested and keep an eye on your stress levels—that will make your baby happy and help ensure he or she has a healthy start in life.
So for those of you who are expecting a little one, don’t worry about not being able to celebrate with them just yet. These five ideas will help you and your baby get into some great holiday traditions that she will remember and love long after her first year has passed. Best wishes and happy holidays!